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1. I Build Dirt Bikes.
It's what I know. I have been building bikes for over 20 years, and at one point, owned and operated a small engine repair shop and dealership. As my eyesight deteriorated that venture became less and less achievable. Now I am doing this, building bikes, and doing my best to make a living.

2. I Give Them Away.
This is the dream, to build and raffle bikes for a living. Will it work? Who knows? But I will give it my best shot.
About Me
My name is Joel Giesbrecht. I was born on July 24 1981 in Columbus Mississippi. I’m the youngest of my 3 siblings. Scooba Mississippi was my home for 34 years, till recently we moved just a few miles across the state line to my current residence in Emelle Alabama.
As a boy, I enjoyed growing up on a large catfish farm. This is where my love of dirt bikes and four-wheelers started. Grade 5 rolled around and I was having a hard time reading the blackboard, my books, etc. Eye Doctor visits were made but they told my folks “there’s nothing wrong with your son's eyes. Just a typical boy trying to skip out on his school work .” I kept going along with it but my frustrations were getting worse. Till one day I was supposed to read a book and write a book report. I could NOT read that book.
So we went to a different eye Doctor. This Doctor was able to take images of my eyes and diagnosed me with Stargardts Macular Dystrophy. (A rare form of Juvenile Macular Degeneration) I have no central vision, only peripheral. This explains why I couldn’t read the book or the blackboard etc. (For a simple example, Sometimes, try standing with your face against the wall and holding a book beside your face and try to read it.)
Finishing out the last few years of school was exceptionally challenging for me, my parents, and my teachers. Everything was copied off in large print or onto the blackboard. I would go in early to get started on my work etc.
Youth life was spent involved in various aspects of catfish farming. Working in several different fish processing plants, and also seining fish ponds. Getting to and from work was always a challenge with no driver's license. I rode a four-wheeler or motorcycle to work for a good share of my years.
Aug. of 2001 I met my wife-to-be, Sonya Marie Eileen, and 2 years later on Sept. 7, 2003, We were married in Geiger Alabama.
17 years later and a lot of water under the bridge, we have 4 children and a very large stubborn Great Dane.
About a year ago I came to the hard realization that I had come to a point in my life where my current job situation was no longer feasible. So has begun another little side journey with hills and valleys. But most of all, God has been there through everything. Also yall, We are eternally grateful for the overwhelming support we have had from everyone this past year.
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